
June 2023

Dear Subscriber...

Welcome to the June 2023 ICHCA Insights Newsletter.

We are really excited that our joint Safety Village with partners TT Club and TOC is finally here! Join us next week at stand E50 TOC Europe for a bigger and better Safety Village. We have a laser focus on key cargo health and safety topics with speakers and presentations on: reducing single-person incidents in ports & terminals, mitigating the risk of fires involving containers, RoRo and batteries, preventing machine pedestrian collisions, safe lifting, handling and stacking of cargo, managing confined spaces and working at height. If you are attending TOC this is your place to share and discuss your greatest safety concerns and explore ideas with innovators from across the industry.

Working with our brilliant partner Port Technology International we are thrilled to bring you a free webinar with speakers from our industry, our workforce and the organisations who are bringing innovation to the safety of work. See below for how to register, this is one you cant afford to miss! Demonstrating their commitment to raising safety standards across the industry, ICHCA member NCB Hazcheck (Exis Technologies) has made available for free an online learning course that aims to familiarise learners with the principles of the CTU Code. Follow the links in the story below to find out more. This months "Inside ICHCA Australia" comes packed as usual with informative news and articles about the industry including maritime emissions reduction action planning, aging cargo vessels and container cleanliness.

Let’s keep raising safety standards together!
Richard Steele
CEO, ICHCA International
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1. TOC Safety Village 13 - 15 June 2023... see you there!
2. ICHCA FREE WEBINAR: How to Innovate for Workplace Safety in Ports and Terminals – 28 June 2023 at 14:00 BST
3. Free Introduction to the CTU Code on-line course
4. May 2023 edition of “Inside ICHCA Australia” available

1. TOC Safety Village 13 - 15 June 2023... see you there!

Join us at TOC Europe 2023 for a range of workshops and discussions focused on safety issues in ports and terminals.

We are once again teaming up with TT Club and TOC to bring you the Safety Village at TOC Europe this June at the Rotterdam Ahoy. This year is going to bigger and better, with:
• Enlarged stage for panels and workshops and published content program
• Bigger networking area to meet, talk and exchange ideas
• Dedicated pod exhibition for a select number of companies to show their innovative safety solutions

To read the full article please click "Read More"

2. ICHCA FREE WEBINAR: How to Innovate for Workplace Safety in Ports & Terminals - 28th June 2023 at 14:00 BST

We are delighted to invite you to join us for a FREE webinar where you will hear from terminal operators and workplace safety innovation providers on how to improve your safety performance through innovation.

There are new approaches to safety using both high and low technology being employed by the cargo supply chain today, this roundtable webinar will look at what is available now, what is approaching and how you can innovate to succeed.
Explore with us the range and types of safety innovation available to make your organisation more sustainable and help your people go home from work in the same condition that they arrived.

To read the full article please click "Read More"

3. Free Introduction to the CTU Online Course

ICHCA member NCB Hazcheck (Exis Technologies) has developed an Introduction to the CTU Code on-line course which aims to familiarise anyone new to or looking for a refresher on the principles of the Code of Practice (CTU Code) for packing of cargo transport units (CTUs).

It provides an overview of the Code’s development and objectives as well as direct links to the electronic version of the CTU Code.
It also highlights how you can swiftly navigate to key sections in accordance with your day-to-day role and responsibilities and how the Code helps to support training in packing and securing cargo into/onto CTUs.

To read the full edition please click "Read More"

4. May 2023 Edition of "Inside ICHCA Australia" Available

The latest issue of Inside ICHCA Australia is now available to view

To read the full article, please click "Read More".

Do you have a story to tell?

If you have any news you would like to be considered for inclusion in future editions of ICHCA Insights, please contact Amanda at secretariat@ichca.com.
Do not forget to add us to your mailing list. We hope you find this edition of interest!

If you would like to know more news from the world of ICHCA and our industry partners, please click here https://ichca.com/news

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© ICHCA International 2023